Friday, August 22, 2014

Pemetic and The Triad

Hiking Buddies: Arnie, Jamie, Kari, David, and Tarryn
Weather: Mid 60s, evening hike
Mountains: Pemetic and The Triad (Acadia National Park)
Elevation: 1,248ft (Pemetic), and 698ft (Triad)
Ascent: South Ridge Trail (Pemetic) and Triad Trail
Descent: South Ridge and East Cliffs (Pemetic) and Hunters Brook Trail (Triad)
Miles of trail: 4.0
Total miles this year: 143.9

Just over 50 more miles to go! 

Arnie is trying to cover as many trails on the island as he can before he leaves the end of August for school... He's done pretty well this summer. Sunday evening we set out with a group of friends, old and new, to cover a section of trails Arnie hadn't yet hiked; South Ridge and East Cliffs of Pemetic Mountain and The Triad.  

I wish I had taken more photos, but I was enjoying the company and the workout too much and didn't take my camera out to snap away at the trails. We did have a photo shoot session at the summit... where I might have had a little accident. Here are the photos first, I'll tell the story after...

See that fabulous jumping shot above? Yup. Jamie asked beforehand how we were going to capture this image. I explained and demonstrated; I'll count to three and then we all jump like this... Can you guess what happened next? This girl did not land correctly. Thank goodness the summit sign was below me and I was able to grab onto it and stabilize my body. I banged my legs up pretty badly though... no more hiking for me for the week. Was it worth the shot? I'm not sure! We'll see how well they heal while I rest and stay off the peaks. That is going to be very hard to do... 

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