Monday, August 11, 2014

Busy week of hiking...

Ok, so... summertime is busy, and there is no way I can recap all the hikes I've been on these past couple weeks.

But, here is the total miles of trails to date: 130.4

And, the peaks I have recently accomplished: Penobscot, Sargent, Huguenot, St. Sauveur, Valley Peak, Acadia, and Cadillac. Phew.

And... some photos!

Jordan Cliffs
Jordan Cliffs, view of Jordan Pond, The Bubbles, and Pemetic Mountain

Sargent summit

Valley Cove Trail... Amazing!
Looking toward Acadia Mountain

Waterfall by Acadia Mountain
Reading on top of Acadia Mountain... such the life!
Sunrise hike up Cadillac, the moon was HUGE and bright!

... and there you have it, this girl has been busy. Let's throw in a 20 mile bike ride around the Park Loop Road. That has been on my bucket list for years! This girl is checking things off her list left and right.

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