Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mansell and Bernard

Hiking buddies: Alex, Arnie and Jamie
Weather: mid 70s and sunny 
Mountains: Mansell and Bernard (Acadia National Park)
Elevations: 949ft (Mansell) and 1,071 (Bernard)
Ascents: Long Pond Trail and Perpendicular Trail (Mansell) and Bernard Mountain Trail
Descents: Mansell Mountain Trail, Razorback Trail, Bernard Mountain Trail, Sluiceway Trail, Great Notch Trail, Gilley Trail, and Cold Brook Trail
Miles of trail: 3.9
Total miles this year: 98.8
Mansell and Bernard -two peaks, aka; Western Mountain. Located on the "quiet-side" of The Island, Western Mountain certainly lives up to its location's nickname. We didn't cross paths with too many fellow hikers while out on the trails winding through the mountain range.

 I love Sundays! Especially when the weather is absolutely gorgeous outside, like today. Jamie had requested last week that we hike Mansell Mountain and Bernard Mountain today. Jamie, you got your wish!

There is only one trail that you can do to reach the peak of Mansell, and that trail is... The Perpendicular Trail, aka; The StairMaster from Hell. We have a love-hate relationship. I make myself hike this trail once a year... and that is it. Just like the ladder trail of Dorr! One-then-done.

Ok, so there are actually many trails on this mountain range, but the only one worth doing is Perpendicular. Mansell and Bernard are not known for their fabulous views, but instead are known for their fantastic trails and stonework. 

Here we go...

The trailhead is located at the base of Long Pond, same place Alex and I parked for our Beech Mountain hike last week. The Long Pond Trail begins off to the left (if you're facing the water). The shot above shows the "little" nub that the Perpendicular Trail basically heads straight up; one mile to the top.

Now, Perpendicular Trail. What is your first thought? Straight up from the base? Pretty close.

Although the trail doesn't actually go straight up the side of the mountain, as the name suggests, it is still quite strenuous. Steep stones stairs make their way up and around a boulder field. Each steep section is followed by a pleasant, level trail along the cliffs. 

Eventually, the trails leads to a little stream. It crisscrosses the water a few times before veering off further up the mountainside. FYI, the stairs are never over.

The steepness of this trail offers a very good excuse for the hiker to slow down and really take in the surrounding wonders of nature in the area. For instance, we spotted this unusual tree arched over the trail like a canopy... a spotty one at that!

With about 0.2 miles to the summit, you will come to an overlook. Take your time in this spot, it's the best view you're going to get on Mansell. But, a wonderful view it is. Today we enjoyed a leisurely lounge atop the granite face at the overlook. There was a nice, cool breeze. And, with a clear day, the view was absolutely beautiful!

That's the lower end of Long Pond in the middle of the shot, with the bottom of the sound opening up to the ocean and the Cranberry Isles further back. The Western Mountain range is the farthest grouping of peaks to the west on the island. Hence the name; Western Mountain. I'm only assuming.

Have you ever tried kimchi? For those of you who don't know, and that will probably be most of you, it is a fermented cabbage dish. Before you turn your nose up at it, just listen. Kimchi is AMAzing. We picked some up at the farmer's market in town this morning before church, Alex brought it along with his lunch and shared... what a nice guy! It has a kick to it, so beware, but this girl loves spicy. After a quick lunch, possibly a little snooze, we continued to the summit.

See? Not much of a view there. Ha. You can step off the StairMaster at this point, the ride is over.

Onward to Bernard! It's a quick descent down to the Razorback Trail, through the evergreen and spruce forest. I love when the forest is so dense, that any beam of sunlight through the trees makes its presence clearly known.

After a quick scramble up to the top of the razorback granite ridge, you'll pop out of the trees for a short distance, so take in the view, snap a selfie...

Now, the Western Mountain range can be quite confusing. Please be sure that if you are going to be hiking in this area to bring a map! There are multiple nubs and stubs, as I call them, between the summits of Mansell and Bernard; Great Notch, Knight Nubble, and Little Notch. All three make the hiking trail more adventurous and uncertain at the same time. The trail ascends and descends numerous times before actually reaching the short 0.2 mile trail to the top of Bernard Mountain.

Funky shroom and a pretty flower along the way...

To the second summit of the day; Bernard.

To complete the loop, we headed down Sluiceway Trail on towards the Cold Brook Trail that takes you all the way back to Long Pond. Sluiceway is a bit of a doozy, very steep as it descends along a stream. I don't think I have ever hiked Western Mountain before when the trails weren't wet and slippery. So, be careful out there, folks. And, enjoy!

Can you spot the frog?

Happy Hiking!

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