Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Great Head

Hiking buddies: Jamie, Arnie, Dan and Xin
Weather: low 70s 
Mountain: Great Head (Acadia National Park)
Elevation: 149ft
Ascent: Starting at the Great Head parking lot, taking the Great Head Trail clockwise.
Descent: Completed the Great Head Trail loop, hiking clockwise
Miles of trail: 1.8
Total miles this year: 103.8

Half way there! Woot, woot! Reaching my goal of 200 miles this year doesn't look too far off...

Side note: I did my first semi-solo hike in a long time the other day, I had to take Phoebe with me, of course. Friday morning she and I set out for the South Ridge Trail of Pemetic Mountain. We covered 3.2 miles under our boots and paws. About a quarter of the way up the mountain, a lovely bee decided to buzz in my ear and wouldn't leave me alone. Bees are not my friend, usually. And this guy just wouldn't leave me alone. So, of course I panicked and bolted up the trail until the little bugger of a buzzer left us at the treeline, thank goodness. A beautiful day overall on the mountain top. I didn't take too many pictures, it was more of a hike to be outdoors in my thoughts and listening to God for guidance. A soul searching hike. Everyone needs something like that now and again. And it was wonderful. 

On to Great Head!

There's a hike every Sunday, you can count on it. Except, this time around, we had a bit of a time crunch. Although, don't we always? This Sunday was the World Cup match between Germany and Argentina. Arnie, an avid soccer spectator, was not about to miss the match, not only that, he had to be home in time for the pre-game show. 

With an hour to hike, we had to pick something short and lite. I shouted out ideas like, Gorham, Beehive, Beech... and Great Head (which, coincidentally, I hadn't done yet this year). 

Great Head has very little elevation gain, and the trail that loops around the tiny peninsula offers a balance of, well, everything. From Sea cliff views to birch tree and pine forests. Multiple ascents, descents and areas of level path. Planks, open granite faces, gravel and dirt pathways, and boulder scrambles. It's the perfect hike to enjoy the scenery, enjoy the company, and enjoy the simple delights of nature... without working up sweat, yet still working those legs and lungs!

Btw... This hike received two thumbs up from all parties involved. I believe I was actually called a "genius" for recommending this hike to the group. Haha. I don't usually toot my own horn, but I do know how to plan my hikes well!

Here are some shots from the day...


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