Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cedar Swamp Mountain

Hiking buddies: Alex and Arnie
Weather: Mid 60s, sunny, not a cloud in the sky!
Mountain: Cedar Swamp (Acadia National Park)
Elevation: 942ft
Ascent: Hadlock Brook Trail and Birch Spring Trail
Descent: Reverse of above!
Miles of trail: 3.2
Total miles this year: 62

Who wishes she didn't have to work and could hike all day and every day? This girl. 

Ok, I would probably become a bit of a recluse, I suppose. Hiding out in nature would be quite lovely, but I'm sure I would miss socialization. Perhaps it's a good thing I still have to work and earn a living on this beautiful island. 

Cedar Swamp Mountain is definitely one of the lesser known hikes on the island. I didn't know the peak existed until last year. And, no, it is not an actual swamp. I'm still trying to figure out where the name comes from...

To start out, we parked along the base of Norumbega, which is on the way into Northeast Harbor. We skipped on over to the other side of the road, and started in on Hadlock Brook Trail. This is a very rocky terrain with many roots intertwined throughout.

Check out the rather large shroom! As Alex said, it looks like it could start talking to you at any moment, ha...

Hadlock Brook Trail will cross over the carriage roads twice. At the second crossing, take a venture down below the bridge and you will see the wonderful waterfall!

The last time I was near this waterfall it was an entire sheet of ice! This would have been back in January, during a lovely snowshoe adventure along the carriage trails. Today, the mist made for a refreshing spritz as we tramped on by to the summit. Alex and Arnie took a moment to take in the splendor of the waterfall.

And, onward. About 0.3 miles from the waterfall, we turned right onto Birch Spring Trail. There's just under half a mile to the summit from this point. There are a few steep scrambles along the rocky and root infested terrain. And planks! You all know how much I love planks!

What a beautiful day to be in the woods! I just enjoyed lovely dinner conversation about ticks in Maine. The ticks carrying Lyme Disease are indeed, already present in Acadia National Park for the season. Not only do ticks carry the disease, but there are five other not so spectacular diseases that they also carry. Don't mess around when it comes to these little critters. This shot of the thick woods is a wonderful reminder to always do a tick check after hiking!

After another 0.3 miles, the trail will come to an intersection with the South Ridge Trail of Sargent Mountain. Following the South Ridge Trail to the right for about 0.1 miles, we finally reached the summit of Cedar Swamp. Well, there are a few steep scrambles, expect to be a little out of breath once at the top! 

It's not the best summit picture I have ever taken, that is for sure! I was too enthralled by the conversation and company of my hiking buddies to snap shots. Oh well! Good conversation makes for a much better memory than a picture. Although, for you, as the reader, you're not getting a very clear shot of the view. Perhaps you need to get out and hike this one for yourself! Go for it, I dare you. 

Happy Hiking!

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