Hiking buddies: Krista, Rachel and Becca
Mountain: Beehive (Acadia National Park)
Elevation: 520 ft
Trail up: Beehive Trail
Trail down: The Bowl Trail
Miles of trail: 1.5
Total miles this year: 12.7
I have been waiting very patiently this Winter for the perfect opportunity to scale the cliff face of Beehive. With a weekend full of warmer weather, this was the day! The air was warm, the sun was peeking through the clouds, and there was just a light sprinkle of rain... nothing too threatening. Of course, I was also happy to bring out the clamp-ons again, not going to lie.
There is nothing more exciting in the hiking world than taking a newbie on one of the cliff trails on the island. Beehive is the easiest of the cliff trails, in my opinion; an excellent place to start. Becca is only here for a semester while attending COA, and this was only her second mountain hike in Acadia National Park! Hmmm, perhaps we should have given her fair warning about the trail, I'm not quite sure she realized we would be venturing out on ledges along the face of the cliff... Warning: This trail follows a nearly vertical route with exposed cliffs that requires climbing on iron rungs. Yeah, we might have forgotten to mention that.
And, here we go!
It may be short in length... but, it's straight up! |
You are very quickly rewarded with the first wonderful view of Sand Beach. The view keeps getting better and better the higher you go. From here, and especially during the off season, the little cove looks so serene. We could hear the waves rolling in, what a peaceful sound to listen to while enjoying the day and hike.
Rachel |
From this point on, get ready to see some iron. Bridges, and railings, and rungs! Oh, my!
Krista looks a little worried... |
Becca, what a champ! |
Trail companionship! |
We kept the conversations going, took in the views, and had a great experience climbing. I always feel like I'm back in elementary school -out on the playground, hanging out on the monkey bars- while hiking this trail. Seriously, Beehive is Acadia's very own jungle gym!
Living on the edge |
Almost to the top! We took some time to enjoy the view of the bay, facing south, before continuing through the trees to the summit. Feel like a kid again and climb the boulders, snap your scenic shots and shameless selfies; take it all in before moving on.
Time for a group shot! |
For one of the smallest elevations on the island, the Beehive cliff trail is certainly strenuous. You're hiking 520ft in only 0.3 miles. What a thrill to reach the top!
I have hiked Beehive numerous times at this point, I was absolutely
terrified the first time around. Although I am quite comfortable with the climb now, and often venture off the trail for a little rock climbing (shhh...), the only thing about the trail that scares me now is the thought of climbing back down the rungs and
ledges. No, thank you! I highly suggest taking the less exposed trail
down the north side.
The Bowl |
Besides, you never want to miss an adventure at The Bowl! If you saw my post from yesterday, you can tell how warm it has been. You would not catch me out on that ice today! It's hard to believe that skaters were gliding away out there just yesterday. Venture out today, you just may go crashing through!
On our way back to the car, I had to snap a shot of Becca at the cliff's trailhead. She is quite proud of her accomplishments for the day. Let us see how she fared against the park's rules for the trail:
Hikers should comply with the following:
- Dogs are prohibited
- Stay on the marked trail
- Avoid hiking in dark or wet conditions
- Avoid climbing down - use alternative return route
- Wear sturdy hiking shoes
- Do not throw or dislodge rocks
You've got your hiking boots and clamp-ons, no dog in tow, and you didn't succumb to the urge to throw rocks at your friends. Check, check, and check... Excellent job, following the directions, Becca! You pass. Two thumbs up!
Since we were already on Ocean Drive, and we had a newbie to the area, we just had to make a pit stop at Thunder Hole. It was slightly disappointing for those of us who have really heard her thunder, the time and conditions weren't ideal. However, the views of the coastline and open water are simply breathtaking, and worth the stop any day. Excellent finish to a wonderful hike with great friends. Can't wait to step out into the park again, soon. Stay tuned!