Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Miles Update

Many hikes recently, not enough time to post accounts for them! Also, I've kind of gotten in the habit of not taking as many pictures while hiking... What good is a blog about the hikes on MDI without photos to back up the words, right?

Anyway, this girl has accumulated 165 miles thus far. Not too long until I hit the goal; 200 miles.

I'll be participating in a hike-a-thon fundraiser in October to help raise money for the Acadia Family Center. We are asked to see how many hikes we can get in during the 10 day period the fundraiser runs for, and we are to get support from our friends and family while we do so. Sounds pretty sweet! I've made a personal goal of hiking 30 miles for the fundraiser, that will put me in pretty close to the 200 mile mark. I think I'll be surpassing my year goal!

Here's the website for Hike for Mike: click here

I've hiked the Precipice Trail a couple times since I last posted, a hike up The Giant Slide of Sargent, as well as a solo hike up Beehive and Gorham. Arnie and Jamie helped me hike the last three peaks I needed to check off the list (Eliot, Flying, and Kebo); I've now hiked every peak on the island at least once this year! That's always a goal of mine with each new hiking season.

So, here are some photos for you... Stay tuned for more; I'll be taking a friend on the Precipice Trail tomorrow morning, and possibly going on my first night hike of the season tomorrow night!


Gorham Mountain, looking toward Sand Beach
Gorham Mountain
Giant Slide of Sargent Mountain
This pup loves the water!
Water break
We're now entering my favorite time of year for hiking on the island... FALL. Super pumped for some nice weather, fall colors, and quieter trails. Happy Hiking!

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