Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bass Harbor Head

I have an embarrassing confession to make; I have lived on MDI my entire life, I'm almost 28 years old, and I had NEVER been to Bass Harbor Lighthouse... until today.


If my parents ever took me there as a child, I obviously don't remember it!

I spent a good part of the day with a dear friend who is moving out west. We had discussed being adventurous on this beautiful spring-like day... I really wanted to climb a mountain. I've been getting antsy, but it is still too icy for normal people to hike the peaks. I could have managed with my clamp-ons, but Krista wasn't able to safely hike the ice covered trail.

Then Krista had a brilliant idea. Why not go explore around Bass Harbor Lighthouse?

We took the regular path that goes down to the house, the air smelled so good and fresh! I can't believe a family lives in the house year-round. I wouldn't want people and tourists roaming around my home. No, thank you...

I've seen a lot of beautiful photos taken of the lighthouse, obviously, they hadn't been taken from where we were standing next to the house. We weren't allowed to go down around the other side of the house, it is government property, after all. But, I was determined to find the right spot to give me the view of the lighthouse I am so accustomed to seeing through photographs and postcards.

I noticed a trail head sign near the back end of the parking lot. We decided to check it out...

After a minute or two, we came across a set of wooden stairs, we followed along until they came to an end along the coast. I love jumping rock to rock along coastlines, it can be quite exhilarating. Hearing the waves crashing, watching the tide creeping in and sneaking back out, feeling the ocean breeze... Heavenly.

Thank you, Krista, for this photo :)

There's that view I was looking for! What a gorgeous day. Even though I didn't get the mountain climb I wanted today, I enjoyed this new adventure. It was peaceful, relaxing, and wonderful to spend time with Krista before she leaves.

Krista, with Bass Harbor Lighthouse

We walked back up the stairs and continued on along the trail. Without blazes on the tree trunks and rocks, I wasn't entirely sure where to go. It was kind of freeing to just keep putting one foot in front of the other, letting them find the trail.

Evidence that Winter is still present...

Ok, Winter... it is time for you to go. I'm ready for Spring. Warmer weather, more sunshine. The ice can take a hike! I'm ready to hit the trails again and accomplish new goals for this new year.

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